Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Adventure of Getting the Ball Rolling

My name is Robyn, and I am a horrible blogger.

If it helps, I do think about you all the time my dear little blog. But, I do believe that is no excuse for not writing a blog in four months. Four months!

Again, if it helps, I have hardly written anything in these last four months.

In my defense, school is a bully and doesn't like to share me with my writing world. Does writing essays count as 'writing'?

Have no fear! That is all about to change.

You see, one of the main reasons I have taken a "vacation" from writing, is not only has Inspiration refused to come visit me, but his evil twin Discouragement has decided to move in. For about a month I have shied away from anything that was story related, feeling every drop of doubt.

Battling such feelings of doubt and fear of being a horrible writer is probably all a part of the job. But, I won't let it conquer me.

I have heard multiple times that an author should write every day. And I am now taking this to heart. I decided to go back to my roots of writing with a smooth pen on a fresh piece of paper, rather than typing the days away. Seeing blue ink smudged on my hand, might be one of the homiest feelings I could muster. I am reminded of the days when I was a little girl and would lug around a Hello Kitty binder jammed with random papers with my unreadable writing scrawled over every inch of every page. This new method is already healing my wounds of doubt and bringing me back to the reason I write anyway. I am hopelessly, head over heels in love with the way words flow from my heart and onto the page.

So, every day I find a new writing prompt and jot down a small story in my little writing journal. And I will upload some of those stories onto here.

I know what you're thinking. Uh-huh, sure, we've heard that before. We won't hear from you again in another 7 months!

I don't blame you for the lack of faith.

But, I feel like I have learned a lesson in my aspiring author career. Nothing will keep me from writing again, especially something as silly as doubt. When something is your heart's desire, it was probably put there for a reason and you should hold onto it and cherish it.

See you soon!

Enough rambling for now!

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